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AccessLevel(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.AccessLevel
account() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
API methods relating to your account.
account_name - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.SubscriptionsCount
activity - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
add(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
Add a user to the list.
addAll(Collection<? extends User>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
ADDED_TO_LIST - Static variable in interface winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent.Type
addListener(AStream.IListen) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
Add a listener to the front of the queue.
addOutage(AStream.Outage) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
The stream will track outages during use (provided AStream.setAutoReconnect(boolean) is true).
addTimeToStatusId(BigInteger, long) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Splits a Twitter Snowflake ID into its component numbers, performs arithmetic on the timestamp component, and reconstitutes a synthetic ID for "since_id" and "until_id" purposes.
analytics() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
API methods for Twitter stats.
application_id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.SubscriptionList
askUser(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Convenience method for desktop apps only - does not work in Android
asMap(Object...) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Create a map from a list of key, value pairs.
AStream - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Internal base class for UserStream and TwitterStream.
AStream(Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
AStream.IListen - Interface in winterwell.jtwitter
Use these for push-notification of incoming tweets and stream activity.
AStream.Outage - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
What, Twitter had an outage? Here are the details.
AT_SIGNS - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
audience - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
authority - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
authorizeDesktop() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
authorizeUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Call Twitter to start the authorisation flow.
avgGrowth - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats
Often zero due to rounding!


BadParameter(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.BadParameter
Base64Encoder - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.guts
Routines to encode and decode using base 64 encoding.
Base64Encoder() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.Base64Encoder
BearerAuthHttpClient - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
For use with Twitter API methods which require application-level authentication via bearer token.
BearerAuthHttpClient() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.BearerAuthHttpClient
befriend(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Use Twitter.follow(String) instead, which is equivalent.
block(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
blocks/create: Blocks screenName from following the authenticating user.
block_events - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
Blocked(String, String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Blocked
breakFriendship(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Please use Twitter.stopFollowing(String) instead.
bulkShow(List<String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Use Twitter_Users#show(List) instead
bulkShowById(List<? extends Number>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Use #showById(List) instead


canAuthenticate() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
canAuthenticate() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Whether this client is setup to do authentication when contacting the Twitter server.
canAuthenticate() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
cancel() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
CASE_SENSITIVE_SCREENNAMES - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
This rather dangerous global toggle switches off lower-casing on Twitter screen-names.
CHECK_TWEET_LENGTH - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
This global toggle switches on/off length-checking for tweets.
checkRateLimit(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
clear() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
Forget the past.
ClientHttpRequest - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.guts
Title: MyJavaTools: Client HTTP Request class
ClientHttpRequest(URLConnection) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Creates a new multipart POST HTTP request on a freshly opened URLConnection
ClientHttpRequest(URL) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Creates a new multipart POST HTTP request for a specified URL
ClientHttpRequest(String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Creates a new multipart POST HTTP request for a specified URL string
clone() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
clone() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
close() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
A closed stream can be restarted.
close(Closeable) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
close(InputStream) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
code - Variable in exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.E403
Can be 0 for unset
COLOR_BG - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
COLOR_LINK - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
COLOR_SIDEBAR_BORDER - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
COLOR_SIDEBAR_FILL - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
COLOR_TEXT - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
compareTo(TwitterCounterStats.DateValue) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats.DateValue
connect() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
Connect to Twitter.
connect() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
connect(String, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Lower-level GET method.
connect(String, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
copy() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
copy() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
copy() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
countAccountActivitySubscriptions(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Return the total number of account activity subscriptions on the specified environment.
countCharacters(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compute the effective size of a message, given that Twitter treats things that smell like a URL as 23 characters.
created_timestamp - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Webhook
createdAt - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
createdAt - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
createdAt - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
createRequest(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.FlickrOAuthProvider
createSavedSearch(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
Create a new saved search.


data - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats
date - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats.DateValue
dateUpdated - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats
decode(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.Base64Encoder
Decodes the given Base64 encoded String to a new byte array.
delete(String, boolean) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Send an HTTP DELETE request and return the response body.
delete() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
Delete this list!
delete(String, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
desc - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy.UrlInfo
description - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
destroy(Twitter.ITweet) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Deletes the given Status or Message.
destroyMessage(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Deletes the direct message specified by the ID.
destroySavedSearch(Long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
Delete one of the user's saved searches!
destroyStatus(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Deletes the status specified by the required ID parameter.
destroyStatus(Status) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
in favour of Twitter.destroy(ITweet). This method will be removed by the end of 2010.
direct_message_events - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
direct_message_indicate_typing_events - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
direct_message_mark_read_events - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
disconnect(HttpURLConnection) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
displayVersion() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.TweetEntity
DM - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Group 1 = the recipient


E401(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.E401
E403(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.E403
E403(int, String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.E403
E404(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.E404
E406(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.E406
E40X(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.E40X
E413(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.E413
E416(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.E416
E50X(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.E50X
enableAppAuth(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Save the application key and secret so this instance can retrieve a bearer token for app-level methods (e.g.
enableAppAuth(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Save a previously-obtained bearer token so this instance can use app-level methods
encode(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.Base64Encoder
encode(byte[]) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.Base64Encoder
encode(byte[], int, int, StringBuilder) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.Base64Encoder
Encodes the part of the given byte array denoted by start and len to the Base64 format.
END - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ListWithCursor
end - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.TweetEntity
end of the entity in the contents String, exclusive
Environment(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Environment
environment - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.SubscriptionList
environment_name - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Environment
environments - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookList
equals(Object) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
Tests by class=Message and tweet id number
equals(Object) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Tests by class=Status and tweet id number
equals(Object) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User


FAVORITE - Static variable in interface winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent.Type
favorite_events - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
favoriteCount - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Number of likes for this tweet.
favoritesCount - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
fillInOutages() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
Use the REST API to fill in outages when possible.
filterByReq(GeoCodeQuery, Map<IPlace, Double>) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Utility method for IGeoCoders
finalize() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
FlickrOAuthProvider - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
FlickrOAuthProvider(String, String, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.FlickrOAuthProvider
follow(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
follow(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
follow(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Start following a user.
follow(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
FOLLOW - Static variable in interface winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent.Type
follow_events - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
followDays - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats
FollowerLimit(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.FollowerLimit
followersCount - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The number of people who follow this user.
followRequestSent - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
True if the authenticated user has requested to follow this user.
for_user_id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
friendsCount - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The number of people this user is following.


geo() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Geo-location API methods.
geoMatch(GeoCodeQuery, IPlace) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Does place match the query?
geoSearch(double, double) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
geoSearch(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
geoSearchByIP(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
get(String, String, Twitter) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
A lazy-loading list viewer.
get(Number, Twitter) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
A lazy-loading list viewer.
get(int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
getAccessLevel() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
It seems Twitter have stopped sending this info! Expect null from this method.
getAccessToken() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
getAdditionalInfo() - Method in exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException
getAPIStatus() - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
How is the Twitter API today? See for more information.
getAPIUsageStats() - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
getAPIUsageStats() - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
getBest(Map<X, Double>) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Best of them, or null if places is empty
getBlockedIds() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
getBoundingBox() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
getBytesSent() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
getCause() - Method in exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.IO
getCentroid() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
getClient() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounter
Not many use-cases.
getConsumer() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
getCountryCode() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
getCountryName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
getCreatedAt() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getCreatedAt() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
getCreatedAt() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
getCreatedAt() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account.Search
getCreatedAt() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
getCreatedAt() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getCursor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ListWithCursor
getDate(int, String, int) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Convenience method for making Dates.
getDescription() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
getDescription() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getDirectMessage(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns a single direct message to the authenticating user, specified by ID
getDirectMessages() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns a list of the direct messages to AND from the authenticating user.
getDisplayText() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getDisplayText() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
getDisplayText() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
getDMImage(Message) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getEvents() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
getFavorites() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
The most recent 20 favourite tweets.
getFavorites(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
The most recent 20 favourite tweets for the given user.
getFavoritesCount() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Number of statuses a user has marked as favorite.
Warning: can be zero if Twitter did not supply the info (e.g.
getFilePostSize(String, File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
getFollowerIDs() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getFollowerIDs(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getFollowerIDs() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the authenticating user's followers.
getFollowerIDs(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the specified user's followers.
getFollowerIDs(long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the specified user's followers.
getFollowers() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getFollowers(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getFollowers() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
getFollowers(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Only available in v1.0 API (due to switch off soon). Returns the (latest 100) given user's followers, each with current status inline. Occasionally contains duplicates.
getFollowersCount() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getFollowUsers() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
getForgotten() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
getFriendIDs() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getFriendIDs(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getFriendIDs() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the authenticating user's friends.
getFriendIDs(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the specified user's friends.
getFriendIDs(long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns the IDs of the specified user's friends.
getFriends() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getFriends(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getFriends() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Twitter advise you to use Twitter_Users.getFriendIDs() with Twitter_Users#showById(List) instead.
getFriends(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Only available in v1.0 API (due to switch off soon). Returns the (latest 100) given user's friends (people *they* follow), each with current status inline. Occasionally contains duplicates.
getFriends() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.UserStream
getFriendsCount() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getFriendsTimeline() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getGeoCoder() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
getGeometry() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
getHeader(String) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Fetch a header from the last http request.
getHeader(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
getHomeTimeline() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns the 20 most recent statuses posted in the last 24 hours from the authenticating user and that user's friends, including retweets.
getHttpClient() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Provides access to the Twitter.IHttpClient which manages the low-level authentication, posts and gets.
getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
Twitter ID for this place.
getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
getId() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
Twitter IDs are numbers - but they can exceed the range of Java's signed long.
getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account.Search
getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
getId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getInfochimpTrustRank(User, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.ThirdParty
getInfoUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
Call this to get a JSON object with a lot of details.
getKloutID(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Klout
getLang() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
BCP 47 language identifiers.
getLang() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
User's language (2 letter code)
getLimit() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
getLists() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getLists(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getListsAll(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns all lists the authenticating or specified user subscribes to, including their own.
getListsContaining(String, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getListsContainingMe() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getLocation() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getLocation() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
getLocation() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
getLocation() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getLongStatus(Status) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitLonger
getLongStatus(Status) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getMaxDate(List<? extends Twitter.ITweet>) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
getMaxResults() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Provides support for fetching many pages.
getMentions() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getMentions() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
getMentions() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns the 20 most recent replies/mentions (status updates with \@username) to the authenticating user.
getMentions() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
getMessages(JSONArray) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getMinId(BigInteger, List<? extends Twitter.ITweet>) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
getName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
getName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
getName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The display name, e.g.
getOriginal() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Only set for official new-style retweets and quoted tweets.
getOutages() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
getOwner() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
getPage(String, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Send an HTTP GET request and return the response body.
getPage(String, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
getParent() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
getPlace() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getPlace() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
getPlace() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
getPlace(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
getPlace(GeoCodeQuery) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
getPlace() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getPostFooterSize() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
getProfile(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndex
getProfileBackgroundColor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getProfileBackgroundImageUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getProfileImageUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getProfileLinkColor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getProfileSidebarBorderColor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getProfileSidebarFillColor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getProfileTextColor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getProtectedUser() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getProvider() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
getProviderResponseParams() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Provide low level access to the provider -- e.g.
getRateLimit(Twitter.KRequestType) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Use getHttpClient().getRateLimits() What is the current rate limit status? Do we need to throttle back our usage? This is the cached info from the last call of that type.

Note: The RateLimit object is created using cached info from a previous Twitter call. So this method is quick (it doesn't require a fresh call to Twitter), but the RateLimit object isn't available until after you make a call of the right type to Twitter.

Status: Heading towards stable, but still a bit experimental.

getRateLimit(Twitter.KRequestType) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
getRateLimit(Twitter.KRequestType) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
getRateLimits() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
getRateLimits() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
Call Twitter to fetch rate-limit info.
getRateLimits() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
getRateLimitStatus() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Not in v1.1 How many normal rate limit calls do you have left? This calls Twitter, which makes it slower than Twitter.getRateLimit(KRequestType) but it's up-to-date and safe against threads and other-programs using the same allowance.

This may update getRateLimit(KRequestType) for NORMAL requests, but sadly it doesn't fetch rate-limit info on other request types.

getRecipient() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getRecipientId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getRelationshipInfo(List<String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Bulk-fetch relationship info by screen-name.
getRelationshipInfoById(List<? extends Number>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Bulk-fetch relationship info by user-id.
getRemaining() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
getReplies() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Use #getMentions() for preference. This method will be removed June 2013.
getReset() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
getResource(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
getRetweeters(Status) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Show users who (new-style) retweeted the given tweet.
getRetweets(Status) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getRetweetsByMe() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Removed in api v1.1. Simulated with other methods. Will be removed June 2013
getRetweetsOfMe() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getSavedSearches() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
getScore(Object) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Klout
getScoreObject(Object) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Klout
getScreenName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getScreenName() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The login name, e.g.
getScreenNameIfKnown() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Equivalent to Twitter.getScreenName() except this won't ever do an API call.
getSearchLocation() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getSelf() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getSender() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getSenderId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getSinceId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getSource() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
getSource() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
The user who initiated the event
getStats(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounter
getStatus() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getStatus(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns a single status, specified by the id parameter below.
getStatus(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getStatus() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The user's current status - *if* returned by Twitter.
getStatuses(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Convert from a json array of objects into a list of tweets.
getStatuses(JSONArray) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
getStatuses() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
Returns a list of statuses from this list.
getStatusesCount() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
getSubscriberCount() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
getSubscribers() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
getSystemEvents() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
getTarget() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
The user who was affected, or who owns the affected object.
getTargetObject() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
The affected object, if not a user.
getText() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getText() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
The actual status text.
getText() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
The actual status text.
getText() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account.Search
getTimezone() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
String version of the timezone
getTimezoneOffSet() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Number of seconds between a user's registered time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) - aka Coordinated Universal Time or UTC.
getTrackKeywords() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
getTrendRegions() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
getTrends() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getTrends(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getTweetEntities(Twitter.KEntityType) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
getTweetEntities(Twitter.KEntityType) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
getTweetEntities(Twitter.KEntityType) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
Twitter wrap urls with their own url-shortener (as a defence against malicious tweets).
getTweets() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
getType() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
getType() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
getUID() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
getUntilDate() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getUntilId() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
getUrlCount(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Analytics
getUrlInfo(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy
getUser() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
This is equivalent to Message.getSender()
getUser() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
getUser(String, List<User>) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Convenience method: Finds a user with the given screen-name from the list.
getUser(long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getUser(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
getUser() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ITweet
The User who made the tweet
getUser(long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Synonym for #show(long).
getUser(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
getUserTimeline() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns the most recent statuses from the authenticating user.
getUserTimeline(Long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Equivalent to Twitter.getUserTimeline(String), but takes a numeric user-id instead of a screen-name.
getUserTimeline(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Returns the most recent statuses from the given user.
getUserTimelineWithRetweets(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Use Twitter.setIncludeRTs(boolean) instead to control retweet behaviour. Returns the most recent statuses posted by the given user. Unlike Twitter.getUserTimeline(String), this includes new-style retweets.

This will return 20 by default, though Twitter.setMaxResults(int) can be used to fetch multiple pages. There is a cap of 3200 tweets - this is the farthest back you can go down a user timeline!

This method will authenticate if it can (i.e. if the Twitter object has a username and password). Authentication is needed to see the posts of a private user.

getWebhooks() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Return a list of registered Webhooks for the application
getWebsite() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User


hasCursor() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ListWithCursor
hashCode() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
hashCode() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
hashCode() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
HOUR - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
one hour in milliseconds


id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Warning: use equals() not == to compare these!
id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Webhook
inReplyToMessageId - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
Equivalent to Status.inReplyToStatusId *but null by default*.
inReplyToStatusId - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Often null (even when this Status is a reply).
InternalUtils - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Utility methods used in Twitter.
InternalUtils() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
INVALID_HASHTAG_MATCH_END - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
INVALID_MENTION_MATCH_END - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
INVALID_URL_WITHOUT_PROTOCOL_MATCH_BEGIN - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
IO(IOException) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.IO
is(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
Convenience method for filtering events.
isAlive() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
isBlocked(Long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
isBlocked(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
isConnected() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
Many users will want to use AStream.isAlive() instead, which takes into account auto-reconnect behaviour.
isDummyObject() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
isEnd() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ListWithCursor
isFavorite() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
true if this has been marked as a favourite by the authenticating user
isFollowedByYou() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Are you following this person?
isFollower(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
isFollower(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
isFollower(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Is the authenticating user followed by userB?
isFollower(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
isFollowing(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
isFollowing(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
isFollowing(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Does the authenticating user follow userB?
isFollowing(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
isFollowingYou() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Is this person following you?
isNotifications() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
isOutOfDate() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
isPrivate() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
isProfileBackgroundTile() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
isProtectedUser() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
true if this user keeps their updates private
isQuotedStatus() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
isRateLimited(Twitter.KRequestType, int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Are we rate-limited, based on cached info from previous requests?
isRateLimited(String, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Convenience for using getHttpClient().getRateLimits()
isRetryOnError() - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
If true, will wait 1/2 second and make a 2nd request when presented with a server error (E50X).
isRetryOnError() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
isRetweet() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
isSensitive() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
A self-applied label for sensitive content (eg.
isTwitlongerSetup() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Use TwitLonger Keeping for backwards compatibility until Q2 2013
isValidLogin() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Are the login details used for authentication valid?
isVerified() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User


join(String[]) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Join the list
jsonGet(String, JSONObject) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Helper method to deal with JSON-in-Java weirdness
JTWITTER_OAUTH_KEY - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Please register an app with Twitter and use your own key!

This consumer key (and secret) allows you to get up and running fast. However you are strongly advised to register your own app at Then use your own key and secret. This will be less confusing for users, and it protects you incase the JTwitter key gets changed.

JTWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient


Klout - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
Klout influence scores -- not very reliable, but then what is?
Klout(String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Klout


latLongLocn - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Matches latitude, longitude, including with the UberTwitter UT: prefix Group 2 = latitude, Group 3 = longitude.
leaveNotifications(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
v1.0 method, now simulated
LINK_LENGTH - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
The length of a url after shortening.
linkCount - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy.UrlInfo
Sadly, Topsy doesn't resolve equivalent links, so this is a lower-bound.
LIST_CREATED - Static variable in interface winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent.Type
listAccountActivitySubscriptions(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Return a list of account activity subscriptions on the specified environment
listedCount - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The number of public lists a user is listed in.
ListWithCursor<E> - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A List which also carries cursor information for fetching the next/previous page.
ListWithCursor() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ListWithCursor
location - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The location, as reported by the user.
log(String, Object) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Use the Winterwell logger.
LOST - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ListWithCursor


main(String[]) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
matches(GeoCodeQuery, IPlace) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
MAX_BUFFER - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
Start dropping messages after this.
MAX_CHARS - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
The maximum number of characters that a tweet can contain.
MAX_DM_LENGTH - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
MAX_KEYWORD_LENGTH - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
Maximum character length of a tracked keyword or phrase.
MAX_KEYWORDS - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
Maximum number of keywords which most of us can track.
MAX_USERS - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
Maximum users who can be tracked.
MEDIA_LENGTH - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
The characters used up by an attached image.
mediaUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.TweetEntity
Message - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A Twitter direct message.
Message(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
Parse a Message from the format we get from webhooks and GET direct_messages/etc
MissingUser(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.MissingUser
mute_events - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent


name - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
name - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
name - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The display name, e.g.
newline() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
newlineNumBytes() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
notifications - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
notify(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Enables notifications for updates from the specified user who must already be a friend.


OAuthSignpostClient - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
OAuth based login using Signpost (
OAuthSignpostClient(String, String, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
This is for doing the initial authorisation.
OAuthSignpostClient(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Use this if you already have an accessToken for the user.
or(Object...) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Outage(BigInteger, BigInteger, long, long) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.Outage


Parsing(String, JSONException) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Parsing
Parsing(String, ParseException) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Parsing
pComment - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Matches an xml comment - including some bad versions
pDocType - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Matches a doctype element.
PeerIndex - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
Access the PeerIndex ranking system.
PeerIndex(String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndex
peerIndex - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
0 to 100
PeerIndexProfile - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
PHOTO_SIZE_LIMIT - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
3mb Note: "It is possible to upload a 5 MB image, but the Tweet creation requires images to be <= 3 MB"
Place - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Support for Twitter's geo location features.
Place(JSONObject, IGeoCode) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
popEvents() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
popSystemEvents() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
System Events
popTweets() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
post() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added
post(Map) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added before (if any), and with parameters that are passed in the argument
post(Object...) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added before (if any), and with parameters that are passed in the argument
post(Map, Map) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added before (if any), and with cookies and parameters that are passed in the arguments
post(String, Map) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added before (if any), and with cookies and parameters that are passed in the arguments
post(String[], Object[]) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts the requests to the server, with all the cookies and parameters that were added before (if any), and with cookies and parameters that are passed in the arguments
post(URL, Map) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts a new request to specified URL, with parameters that are passed in the argument
post(URL, Object[]) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts a new request to specified URL, with parameters that are passed in the argument
post(URL, Map, Map) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts a new request to specified URL, with cookies and parameters that are passed in the argument
post(URL, String[], Object[]) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Posts a new request to specified URL, with cookies and parameters that are passed in the argument
post(String, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Send an HTTP POST request and return the response body.
post(String, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
post2_connect(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
post2_connect(String, JSONObject) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
post2_connect(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Lower-level POST method.
post2_connect(String, JSONObject) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Lower-level POST method - stringifies JSON body instead of encoding vars
post2_connect(String, String) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Lower-level POST method - takes raw string for body
post2_connect(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
post2_connect(String, JSONObject) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
post2_connect(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
post2_getPayload(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
postJSON(String, JSONObject, boolean) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
postJSON(String, JSONObject, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
postMultipartForm(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
PreEmptiveRateLimit(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.PreEmptiveRateLimit
prefer(GeoCodeQuery, List<? extends IPlace>, String, double) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Utility method for IGeoCoders
process(List<Status>) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.ICallback
processEvent(TwitterEvent) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.IListen
processHeaders(HttpURLConnection, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
processSystemEvent(Object[]) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.IListen
processTweet(Twitter.ITweet) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.IListen
profileBackgroundColor - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
profileBackgroundImageUrl - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
profileBackgroundTile - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
profileImageUrl - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The url for the user's Twitter profile picture.
profileImageUrlHttps - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
profileLinkColor - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
profileSidebarBorderColor - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
profileSidebarFillColor - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
profileTextColor - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
protectedUser - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
true if this user keeps their updates private
pScriptOrStyle - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Used in strip tags to get rid of scripts and css style blocks altogether.


randomString() - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
rank - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats
RateLimit - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Info on your Twitter API usage - how many calls do you have to use?
RateLimit(String, String, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
RateLimit(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.RateLimit
read(InputStream) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Use a buffered reader (preferably UTF-8) to extract the contents of the given stream.
Regex - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
This file is copyrighted by Twitter and protected by the Twitter's Apache 2004 user license
Regex() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
REGEX_JUST_DIGITS - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
registerWebhook(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Register a new Webhooks URL, to which all updates for the specified environment will be sent.
remove(Object) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
Remove a user from the list.
REMOVED_FROM_LIST - Static variable in interface winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent.Type
removeListener(AStream.IListen) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
removeProfileBanner() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
See setProfileBanner - don't expect a useful response, just "OK" or error
removePunctuation(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Repetition(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Repetition
reportSpam(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Report a user for being a spammer.
reportSpammer(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
RES_FRIENDSHIPS_SHOW - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
RES_HOME_TIMELINE - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
RES_LISTS_SHOW - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
RES_MENTIONS - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
RES_SEARCH - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
RES_STATUS_SHOW - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
RES_STREAM_KEYWORD - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
Pseudo value
RES_STREAM_USER - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
Pseudo value
RES_TRENDS - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
RES_USER_TIMELINE - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
RES_USERS_BULK_SHOW - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
RES_USERS_SEARCH - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
RES_USERS_SHOW1 - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
retweet(Status) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Retweet (new-style) a tweet without any edits.
retweetCount - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Represents the number of times a status has been retweeted using _new-style_ retweets.
retweetWithComment(Status, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Retweet, adding a comment.
RTL_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex


screenName - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats
screenName - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The login name, e.g.
search(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Perform a search of Twitter.
search(String, Twitter.ICallback, int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Perform a search of Twitter.
Search(Long, Date, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account.Search
SEARCH_MIXED - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
SEARCH_POPULAR - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
SEARCH_RECENT - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
return the most recent results in the response
searchUsers(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
searchUsers(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Warning: there is a bug within which means that location-based searches are treated as OR.
searchUsers(String, int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Variant of Twitter_Users.searchUsers(String) which gives access to later pages.
sendMessage(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Sends a new direct message (DM) to the specified user from the authenticating user.
setAccuracy(double) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Geo
setAdditionalInfo(String) - Method in exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException
setAllReplies(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.UserStream
setAPIRootUrl(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Set this to access sites other than Twitter that support the Twitter API.
setAuthentication(URLConnection) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.BearerAuthHttpClient
Set a header for basic authentication login.
setAuthentication(URLConnection) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
setAuthentication(URLConnection) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
Set a header for basic authentication login.
setAuthorizationCode(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Set the authorisation code (aka the verifier).
setAuthorizationCode(String, String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Set the authorisation code (aka the verifier).
setAutoPopulateReplyMetadata(Boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility setting: if your app can't generate new-style "previously tagged-in users are implicitly included in replies" tweets, turn this off to require users be explicitly tagged in every time.
setAutoReconnect(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
setBearerToken(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.BearerAuthHttpClient
setCookie(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a cookie to the requst
setCookies(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a cookie to the requst
setCookies(Map) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds cookies to the request
setCookies(String[]) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds cookies to the request
setCount(Integer) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
*Some* methods - the timeline ones for example - allow a count of number-of-tweets to return.
setCursor(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ListWithCursor
For internal use really.
setCursor(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Set the cursor used by Twitter_Users.getFollowerIDs(), Twitter_Users.getFriendIDs() and related methods.
setDescription(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
setExtendedMode(Boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility setting: if your app can't work with new-style "140 characters + attachment" tweets, turn this off to only receive truncated results.
setFavorite(Status, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
setFlickrProvider() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
setFollowUsers(List<Long>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
setFoursquareProvider() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
setGzip(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
Set whether or not to request gzipped responses.
setHtmlImpliesError(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
setIncludeRTs(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
true by default.
setIncludeTweetEntities(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Note: does NOT work for search() methods (not supported by Twitter).
setLanguage(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Set a language filter for search results.
setLinkedInProvider() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Replace the default Twitter urls with the LinkedIn urls.
setListenersOnly(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
default: false If true, json is only sent to listeners, and polling based access via AStream.getTweets() will return no results.
setLocation(List<double[]>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
setMaxResults(int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
setMinRateLimit(int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
Use this to protect your Twitter API rate-limit.
setMyLocation(double[]) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Set the location for your tweets.
Warning: geo-tagging parameters are ignored if geo_enabled for the user is false (this is the default setting for all users unless the user has enabled geolocation in their settings)!
setMyPlace(Long) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
If set, this will place-id be sent with status-updates to geo-tag your tweets.
setName(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Unlike the base class URLConnectionHttpClient, this does not set name by default.
setNotifications(String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a string parameter to the request
setParameter(String, String, InputStream) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a file parameter to the request
setParameter(String, File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a file parameter to the request
setParameter(Object, Object) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds a parameter to the request; if the parameter is a File, the file is uploaded, otherwise the string value of the parameter is passed in the request
setParameters(Map) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds parameters to the request
setParameters(Object...) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
Adds parameters to the request
setPeople(JSONObject) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
Set up sender/recipient full objects
setPeople(User, User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
Set up sender/recipient full objects
setPreviousCount(int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream
Twitter need to fix this :(
setPrivate(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
setProfile(String, String, String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
Update profile.
setProfileBanner(File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
See NB: The API supports cropping, but we have not implemented this yet.
setProfileColors(Map<String, String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
Set the authenticating user's colors.
setProfileDescription(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
setProfileImage(File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
setProfileLink(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
setProfileLocation(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
setProvider(AbstractOAuthProvider) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
Set to Twitter settings by default.
setRetryOnError(boolean) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
setRetryOnError(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
False by default.
setSearchLocation(double, double, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Restricts to tweets by users located within a given radius of the given latitude/longitude.
setSearchLocation(IPlace) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
setSearchResultType(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
setSinceDate(Date) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
setSinceId(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Narrows the returned results to just those statuses created after the specified status id.
setSource(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Set the source application.
setStatus(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Sets the authenticating user's status.
setTimeout(int) - Method in interface winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.IHttpClient
Set the timeout for a single get/post request.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
setTrackAPIUsage(boolean) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
setTrackAPIUsage(boolean) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
Note: this is a global JVM wide setting, intended for debugging.
setTrackKeywords(List<String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
setUntilDate(Date) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
setUntilId(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
If set, return results older than this.
setupTwitlonger(String, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
User TwitLonger Keeping for backwards compatibility until Q2 2013 Set this to allow the use of twitlonger via #updateLongStatus(String, long). To get an api-key for your app, contact twitlonger as described here: This method will be removed June 2013
setWithFollowings(boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.UserStream
show(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
show(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
show(Collection<String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Lookup user info.
show(Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns information of a given user, specified by user-id.
show(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Returns information of a given user, specified by screen name.
showById(Collection<? extends Number>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Lookup user info.
signInUrl() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.OAuthSignpostClient
sinceDMId - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.Outage
sinceId - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.Outage
The id received just before the outage.
sinceTime - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.Outage
size() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
sleep(long) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
slug - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
source - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
source - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
The user who initiated the event
splitMessage(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Split a long message up into shorter chunks suitable for use with Twitter.setStatus(String) or Twitter.sendMessage(String, String).
start - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.TweetEntity
start of the entity in the contents String, inclusive
Status - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A Twitter status post.
Status(JSONObject, User) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Status(User, String, Number, Date) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
status - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
The user's current status - *if* returned by Twitter.
statusesCount - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
stopFollowing(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
stopFollowing(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
stopFollowing(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Destroy: Discontinues friendship with the user specified in the ID parameter as the authenticating user.
stopFollowing(User) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
str(Object[]) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
str(Object) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Created to handle odd failed toString() for Exception: "[Ljava.lang.StackTraceElement;@6553bf22" Seen Dec 2014
stripTags(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Remove xml and html tags, e.g.
stripUrls(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Not used anymore
subscribeAccountActivity(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Start sending activity updates for the authorised account to the Webhooks URLs registered to the specified environment.
Subscription(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Subscription
SubscriptionList(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.SubscriptionList
subscriptions - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.SubscriptionList
subscriptions_count - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.SubscriptionsCount
SubscriptionsCount(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.SubscriptionsCount
suspendedCaller - Variable in exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.SuspendedUser
Use TwitterException.SuspendedProfile instead If true, it was the calling user (ie you) who is suspended. If false, it was *probably* the target user who is suspended.
SuspendedProfile(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.SuspendedProfile
SuspendedUser(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.SuspendedUser


TAG_REGEX - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
target - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
The user who was affected, or who owns the affected object.
targetUser - Variable in exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Blocked
text - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
text - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
The actual status text.
ThirdParty - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
Status: experimental! Access to 3rd party services: - Infochimp Trust Rank scores - Twitlonger: Actually, this is done via Twitter#updateLongStatus(String, long) Note: These services typically require their own api-keys and may have there own terms and conditions of use.
ThirdParty() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.ThirdParty
ThirdParty(Twitter.IHttpClient) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.ThirdParty
Timeout(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Timeout
timeout - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
timezone - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
timezoneOffSet - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Number of seconds between a user's registered time zone and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) - aka Coordinated Universal Time or UTC.
title - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy.UrlInfo
toBigInteger(Number) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
toCanonical(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
TooManyLogins(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.TooManyLogins
topics - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
Topsy - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
Use the Topsy Twitter analytics services.
Topsy() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy
Use Topsy without an API-key - rate-limited to 3,000 per day.
Topsy(String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy
Topsy.UrlInfo - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.Outage
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy.UrlInfo
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats.DateValue
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats
toString(Throwable, boolean) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Copied from Printer in utils
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Message
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Place
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.TweetEntity
The slice of text in the tweet.
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Returns the User's screenName (i.e.
toString() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.UserStream
trimPunctuation(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
Trim out whitespace and punctuation from the beginning and end of the string.
tweet_create_events - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
tweet_delete_events - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
TwitLonger - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
TwitLonger() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitLonger
Read only access for lengthening tweets
TwitLonger(Twitter, String, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitLonger
Read/write access
TwitLongerException(String, String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.TwitLongerException
Twitter - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Java wrapper for the Twitter API version "3.7.1"
Twitter() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
ALL endpoints now require authentication. This method is kept for use with other services (e.g.

Create a Twitter client without specifying a user.

Twitter(String, Twitter.IHttpClient) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Java wrapper for the Twitter API.
Twitter(String, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Twitter(Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Copy constructor.
Twitter.ICallback - Interface in winterwell.jtwitter
Use to register per-page callbacks for long-running searches.
Twitter.IHttpClient - Interface in winterwell.jtwitter
Interface for an http client - e.g.
Twitter.ITweet - Interface in winterwell.jtwitter
This gives common access to features that are common to both Messages and Statuses.
Twitter.KEntityType - Enum in winterwell.jtwitter
Twitter.KRequestType - Enum in winterwell.jtwitter
Replaced in 1.1 with a more flexible family of resources. Kept here for backwards compatibility only. Will be removed: June 2013!
Twitter.TweetEntity - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A special slice of text within a tweet.
Twitter_Account - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Access the account methods: e.g.
Twitter_Account(Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
Twitter_Account.KAccessLevel - Enum in winterwell.jtwitter
The access level is set for the application as a whole! If you want different levels, make several applications.
Twitter_Account.Search - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Twitter_Analytics - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Example Usage:
Twitter_Geo - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Twitter's geolocation support.
Twitter_Users - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
API calls relating to users and relationships (the social network).
TwitterCounter - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
Client for the service
TwitterCounter(String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounter
TwitterCounterStats - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
TwitterCounterStats.DateValue - Class in winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
TwitterEvent - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
User events, like following someone or being added to a list.
TwitterEvent(JSONObject, Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
TwitterEvent.Type - Interface in winterwell.jtwitter
TwitterException - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A runtime exception for when Twitter requests don't work.
TwitterException(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException
TwitterException(String, String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException
TwitterException.AccessLevel - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Subclass of 403 thrown when you breach the access level of the app / oauth-token.
TwitterException.AgeScreen - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
For when Twitter sends a code 250 "this account is age-locked and the user hasn't given their age" response.
TwitterException.BadParameter - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Exception thrown when Twitter doesn't like a parameter.
TwitterException.Blocked - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Exception thrown when trying to follow an account that has blocked you.
TwitterException.E401 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
An unauthorised exception.
TwitterException.E403 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A Forbidden exception.
TwitterException.E404 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Indicates a 404: resource does not exist error from Twitter.
TwitterException.E406 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Not Acceptable.
TwitterException.E40X - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A user-error.
TwitterException.E413 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Too Long.
TwitterException.E416 - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Range Unacceptable.
TwitterException.E50X - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A code 50X error (e.g.
TwitterException.FollowerLimit - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Subclass of 403 thrown when you follow too many people.
TwitterException.IO - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
An IO exception, eg.
TwitterException.MissingUser - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
This might be a suspended account, a deleted account, or a renamed account.
TwitterException.Parsing - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Problems reading the JSON returned by Twitter.
TwitterException.PreEmptiveRateLimit - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A rate limit error (i.e.
TwitterException.RateLimit - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Indicates a rate limit error (i.e.
TwitterException.Repetition - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Subclass of 403 thrown when you try to do something twice, like post the same status.
TwitterException.SuspendedProfile - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Exception thrown when trying to USE a suspended account.
TwitterException.SuspendedUser - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Exception thrown when trying to QUERY a suspended account (i.e.
TwitterException.Timeout - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A timeout exception - probably caused by Twitter being overloaded.
TwitterException.TooManyLogins - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A code 420 error indicates that the account has been logging in too often.
TwitterException.TooRecent - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Thrown if you poll too frequently.
TwitterException.TooSpammy - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
For when Twitter sends a code 226 "this looks like auto junk" response.
TwitterException.TwitLongerException - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Exception thrown if something goes wrong with integration for long tweets.
TwitterException.Unexplained - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Something has gone wrong.
TwitterException.UpdateToOAuth - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
Legacy exception thrown when trying to use basic auth instead of oauth.
TwitterException.UploadTooBig - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
A video upload was too big or too long.
TwitterException.UserNotFound - Exception in winterwell.jtwitter
This is very similar to a TwitterException.MissingUser.
TwitterList - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A Twitter list, which uses lazy-fetching of its members.
TwitterList(String, String, Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
TwitterList(String, Twitter, boolean, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
CREATE a brand new Twitter list.
TwitterList(Number, Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterList
twitterScreenName - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
TwitterStream - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Connect to the streaming API.
TwitterStream(Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream
TwitterStream.KMethod - Enum in winterwell.jtwitter
type - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.TweetEntity
type - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent
What type of event this is.


unblock(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
blocks/destroy: Un-blocks screenName for the authenticating user.
Unexplained(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.Unexplained
UNFAVORITE - Static variable in interface winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent.Type
unregisterWebhook(BigInteger, String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Unregister a Webhooks URL - updates for the specified environment will no longer be sent to it.
unsubscribeAccountActivity(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Stop sending activity updates for the authorised account to the Webhooks URLs registered to the specified environment.
untilTime - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.AStream.Outage
The Java timecode when the stream went back online.
updateConfiguration() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Update info on Twitter's configuration -- such as shortened url lengths.
updateLongStatus(String, Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitLonger
Use to post a lengthy tweet.
updateLongStatus(String, Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Use TwitLonger Keeping for backwards compatibility until Q2 2013 Use to post a lengthy tweet. See for more details on their service.

Note: You need to have called Twitter.setupTwitlonger(String, String) before calling this.

updateRateLimits() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
Call Twitter to get the rate limit.
updateStatus(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Updates the authenticating user's status.
updateStatus(String, Number) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility wrapper for updateStatus(String, Number, List)
updateStatus(String, Number, List<Number>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Updates the authenticating user's status and marks it as a reply to the tweet with the given ID.
updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, List<Number>, File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Updates the user's status with a single image.
updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility wrapper for {@link updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, List, File) {
updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, List<Number>, List<File>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Updates the user's status with multiple images.
updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, List<File>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility wrapper for updateStatusWithMedia(String, BigInteger, List, List
updateStatusWithUploadedMedia(String, BigInteger, List<Number>, List<String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Updates the user's status with one video, or multiple images.
updateStatusWithUploadedMedia(String, BigInteger, List<String>) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Compatibility wrapper for updateStatusWithUploadedMedia(String, BigInteger, List, List
updateStatusWithVideo(String, File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
UpdateToOAuth() - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.UpdateToOAuth
UploadTooBig(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.UploadTooBig
uploadVideo(File) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
uploadVideo(File, String, boolean) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
url - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.PeerIndexProfile
url - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy.UrlInfo
url - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Webhook
URLConnectionHttpClient - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A simple http client that uses the built in URLConnection class.
URLConnectionHttpClient() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
URLConnectionHttpClient(String, String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.URLConnectionHttpClient
urlEncode(String) - Static method in class winterwell.jtwitter.InternalUtils
URL encode
UrlInfo(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.Topsy.UrlInfo
user - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Status
Rarely null.
User - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
A Twitter user.
User(JSONObject, Status) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Create a User from a json blob
User(String) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.User
Create a dummy User object.
user_event - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
user_id - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Subscription
USER_UPDATE - Static variable in interface winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterEvent.Type
Indicates changes to the user's profile -- eg.
userExists(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Users
Does a user with the specified name or id exist?
UserNotFound(String) - Constructor for exception winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterException.UserNotFound
users() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
User and social-network related API methods.
users - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
UserStream - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
UserStream(Twitter) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.UserStream


valid - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Webhook
VALID_CASHTAG - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_CASHTAG_GROUP_BEFORE - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_CASHTAG_GROUP_CASHTAG - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_CASHTAG_GROUP_DOLLAR - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_HASHTAG - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_HASHTAG_GROUP_BEFORE - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_HASHTAG_GROUP_HASH - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_HASHTAG_GROUP_TAG - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_MENTION_OR_LIST - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_MENTION_OR_LIST_GROUP_AT - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_MENTION_OR_LIST_GROUP_BEFORE - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_MENTION_OR_LIST_GROUP_LIST - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_MENTION_OR_LIST_GROUP_USERNAME - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_REPLY - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_REPLY_GROUP_USERNAME - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_TCO_URL - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_URL - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_URL_GROUP_ALL - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_URL_GROUP_BEFORE - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_URL_GROUP_DOMAIN - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_URL_GROUP_PATH - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_URL_GROUP_PORT - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_URL_GROUP_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_URL_GROUP_QUERY_STRING - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
VALID_URL_GROUP_URL - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Regex
value - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats.DateValue
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.KEntityType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.KRequestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account.KAccessLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream.KMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.KEntityType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter.KRequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account.KAccessLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum winterwell.jtwitter.TwitterStream.KMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verified - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
verifyCredentials() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter_Account
Test the login credentials -- and get some user info (which gets cached at Twitter.getSelf()).
version - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
JTwitter version
VIDEO_SIZE_LIMIT - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter


waitForReset() - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.RateLimit
Wait until the reset date.
Webhook(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Webhook
WebhookEvent(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookEvent
WebhookList(JSONObject) - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.WebhookList
Webhooks - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Utility classes for managing Webhooks and Account Activity Subscriptions
Webhooks() - Constructor for class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks
webhooks - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Webhooks.Environment
Webhooks.Environment - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Webhooks.Subscription - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Webhooks.SubscriptionList - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Webhooks.SubscriptionsCount - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Webhooks.Webhook - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Webhooks.WebhookEvent - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
Webhooks.WebhookList - Class in winterwell.jtwitter
website - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem.TwitterCounterStats
website - Variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.User
winterwell.jtwitter - package winterwell.jtwitter
winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem - package winterwell.jtwitter.ecosystem
winterwell.jtwitter.guts - package winterwell.jtwitter.guts
WORRIED_ABOUT_TWITTER - Static variable in class winterwell.jtwitter.Twitter
Not used at present Set to true to perform extra error-handling & correction.
write(char) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
write(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
writeln(String) - Method in class winterwell.jtwitter.guts.ClientHttpRequest
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